Edraw UML Diagram 5.4
Edraw is a new UML diagram and software diagram drawing tool. Easy to draw uml model diagram, COM and OLE, data flow model diagram, Jacobson Use Case, SSADM Diagram, Nassi-Schneiderman, Booch OOD, ROOM Diagram, Yourdon and Coad and Shlaer-Mellor OOA.
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GcTool2 1.00
Program in Windows environment for the calculation of Interaction diagrams and the design of short columns. P-M interaction diagrams and Mx-My moments diagrams. Design for up to 999 Pu-Mux-Muy values. ACI 318-99 and ACI 318-08.
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ClickCharts Pro for Mac 3.04
ClickCharts Pro for Mac lets you lay out your ideas, organization, process or create UML diagrams. Create data flow or value stream diagrams and find process optimization by identifying bottlenecks. Export to jpg, gif, png.
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ClickCharts Pro Edition 6.38
ClickCharts Flowchart Pro and diagram software lets you lay out your ideas, organization, process or create UML diagrams. Create data flow or value stream diagrams and find process optimization by identifying bottlenecks. Export to jpg, gif, png.
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DiagTransfer 4.2
DiagTransfer is a chess editor position (fen/EPD) with two originals features: -A copy mode with a semi-transparent windows. - Print diagrams in a very high quality.
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Nevron Diagram Designer 2012.1
Nevron Diagram Designer is a freeware diagram editor powered by Nevron Diagram. It is suitable for creating various kinds of diagrams and performing different layout algorithms within them.
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Trace Modeler for UML Sequence Diagrams 1.6
Trace Modeler is an easy to use and smart editor for UML sequence diagrams... It instantly updates the diagram layout, freeing you to focus on the actual content... Ideal for documenting existing systems and brainstorming new designs.. And fast too!
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FlowChart.NET 5.4
The FlowChart.NET component adds to applications the ability to create and present workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational, hierarchy and relationship charts, network schemes, graphs and trees.
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WpfDiagram 2.4
The WpfDiagram component adds to applications the ability to create and present workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational, hierarchy and relationship charts, network schemes, graphs and trees.
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ProfiCAD 6.1.3
ProfiCAD is the quickest and easiest way to create electrical documentation and schematic diagrams. Although it is very easy to learn and use, it is a professional tool used by a wide range of customers.
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