My Macros 3.85
My Macros records all operation of mouse and keystrokes and saves them as macros. Then My Macros can play back the recorded macros to automate recorded tasks any number of times.It is very easy to use and doesn't require any programming experience.
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Hotkey Recorder 5.1329
Hotkey Recorder can record key and mouse events to file and play them back. Macros often used can be defined and played back. Macros, key and mouse events can be assigned to a hot key. When key sequence is pressed, these macros will be launched.
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Excel Macro Processor 1.4
Excel Macro Processor allows you to apply Excel macros to a lot of MS Excel files (.xls) at a time. You can use useful macros from our library or add your own macros. Develop solutions of automation for your business based on Excel macros and VBA.
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ClickyMouse, Standard Edition 7.4.7
Create macros working in any Windows application and trigger them by defined mouse action Key features: 150+ commands, macro debugger, visual macro editing, application specific macros, password protected macros and more.
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Macros 1.01
Macros - Help Desk Reply Automation and Macro Software.
Macros allows you to store your commonly typed information and recall it instantly using hotkeys. (EG. F1, F2 etc...)
it is the ultimate time saving tool for your help desk support staff, ideal
free download trial (975 Kb)
Perfect Keyboard Free Edition 8.2.0
The program allows a user to create a file of frequently used phrases, paragraphs, e-mail addresses, macros, clipboard entries, scripts, etc. and use them in any application just by typing a short abbreviation (text shortcut) or pressing a hotkey.
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Macro Toolworks, Professional Edition 8.2.0
Create macros working in any Windows application and trigger them using hot-key or text shortcut, from custom toolbar, by defined mouse action, at scheduled time or when specific event occurs. 300+ commands available!
free download trial (11.29 Mb)
Easy Macro Recorder 3.84
Easy Macro Recorder is a handy utility that makes your computers automatically do work for you. It records all operation of mouse and keystrokes and saves them as macros, then Easy Macro Recorder can play back recorded macros to automate your work.
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Asoftech Automation 3.0
Asoftech Automation records all operation of mouse and keystrokes and saves them as macros. It can play back the recorded macros to automate recorded tasks any number of times.It is very easy to use and doesn't require any programming experience.
free download trial (5.04 Mb)
Hot Keyboard Pro 6.1.100
Using Hot Keyboard, you can record or play keystrokes, mouse actions; launch applications; paste text; open documents and create other types of macros. Execute macros by hot keys, text shorcuts, scheduler, window popups and system startup.
free download trial (2.83 Mb)
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