Form Designer allows you to move and/or resize any control on your form. There is no need to prepare your form to use Form Designer. Just drop a TFormDesigner component onto any form, set its Active property to True and enjoy!
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Form Designer .NET allows you move and resize any control on .NET applications at runtime. Just drop Form Designer .NET control onto any form, assign the DesignedForm property, set Active property to true and enjoy!
Captcha Designer is a PHP based software script to create math or word based CAPTCHA's with almost unlimited design options so that you can create CAPTCHA's that fit in with your site design and increase conversion rates. Simple to install.
ORM Designer FCI - ORM Designer is a visual database designing tool with full support of ORM frameworks. ORM Designer was created to replace kilobytes of text definitions with easy to use graphical interface.
Report Cola is a Report designer which allow user to present the database into printable report documents. The report can be generated from wide range of database server.
Now download Birthday Cards Designer tool on Windows PC that gives you right decision to prepare bulk of birthday cards using advance designing tools like pencil, text, line etc.