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Use QR scans with Tesseract Config File

Tesseract Config File 2022.8.7804

Use barcode and QR scan technology when you integrate Tesseract Config File into your next VB project build. Not only will this enhance the end product you are offering to your users, but it will help you stand out.

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Infuse QR and barcodes into your project.

Tesseract .NET Alternative 2023.3.2

Check out the latest innovation from the expert development team at IronSoftware and download the new Tesseract .NET alternative. This allows your VB or C# project to utilize image-to-text extraction, barcodes, and QR code technology.

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Tesseract Rectangle adds OCR to projects

Tesseract Rectangle 2022.8.7804

Tesseract Rectangle adds OCR to projects within the VB and .NET C# environment that fully supports .NET 5, Core, Standard, Framework, and Azure. This enables your next project build to integrate image and text reading using QR and barcode tech.

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Scan old files with Tesseract OCR Speed.

Tesseract OCR Speed 2022.8.7804

Scan old files with Tesseract OCR Speed and transform your company's inventory management and record keeping. This bespoke tool enhances your next project without the unnecessary additional resources from off-the-shelf software solutions.

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c# ocr pdf for .NET tesseract

PDF OCR for CSharp 2021.6.0

OCR PDF C# can be used for different types of projects. One might be developed using Iron OCR for .NET Core would be Azure, Linux, Windows, Mac compatible Tesseract OCR applications in C# with full PDF support. https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronOCR

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IronOCR can support Azure OCR API

Azure OCR Product 2022.12.10830

For Azure .Net applications you may wish to add optical character recognition functionality. IronOCR provides that functionality without ever sending your data outside of the ether application, helping to ensure the security of your data.

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The C# OCR Library 2022.12.10830

The Iron OCR library https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr for C# developers provides advanced image to text functionality for microsoft.net web applications, desktop applications and enterprise services. Alternative to Tesseract 3, 4, 5 for C# VB .NET

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Iron OCR - The OCR .NET Library

OCR in .Net 2022.12.10830

Iron OCR (https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronOcr/) is a OCR .NET library allowing users to convert images and PDF documents back into text using the .NET Framework in C#, F#, or VB.NET. https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/technology/ocr-net/

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VB .NET OCR Library for C# & .NET Apps

OCR for VB.NET Library 4.4.0

Iron OCR fully supports any .NET Framework language, including VB.NET, C#, and F#. The key functions of Iron OCR for VB .NET are image to text, photo to text, scan to text, PDF to text, resulting in text results, barcodes, and complex document OCR

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Read text from images with Explore Azure OCR

Explore Azure OCR 2021.9.0

Explore Azure OCR allows engineers and developers to read text and barcodes from images and PDFs. With support for over 125 languages, it enhances the capabilities of software teams to easily correct low quality and distorted scans to readable text.

free download trial (111.11 Mb)

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