TWedge Software Wedge 2.0.0
The data acquisition software TWedge extends all software systems with realtime data collection. Device data (RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, USB, Bluetooth) is captured automatically and forwarded to target applications (ODBC, files, virtual keystrokes).
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Bill Redirect Serial-File-TCP Port & KB 6.0B
Resident Tray System software for barcode scanner or other serial data capture devices that have a Serial / TCP interface. The program will redirect to any direction Serial/File/TCP Port & Keyboard. Debugger, Macro Commands, Search and replace char..
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Redirect serial port RS232 to Keyboard 6.0B
Enables serial port RS232 barcode scanners, RFID,magnetic stripe or any other devices to communicate with your Windows applications. This allows information to be entered directly into Windows programs as if it was typed in using the keyboard
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Mobile Software Wedge TWedgeCE 2.0.0
TWedgeCE is a mobile data acquisition software for Windows CE based devices or handhelds. Captured device data (TCP, UDP, COM, Serial RS232, Bluetooth) is translated into virtual keystrokes. Available for Windows CE, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC!
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Bill Scale and Balance Wedge Keyboard 6.0B
Inputs scale and balance data directly into any Windows programs as if it was typed in using the keyboard. No programming or additional hardware required ! Features included: Debugger, See the weight in real-time on a virtual button...
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Softboy.net On Screen Keyboard 3.1329
Softboy.net On-screen-keyboard can be useful if you have mobility impairments, if you are using a tablet PC, or if your keyboard goes down. And it can works well on touch-screen. This a demo keyboard which includes the main keys on a normal keyboard.
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Key Transformation 7.4748
Key Transformation can customize your keyboard layout, change any key on the keyboard to other keys. Its on-screen-keyboard ( soft keyboard ) is very easy to use.
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CPS Barcode Wedge Software 6.5.7
Serial data acquisition software (RS232 and USB) - enables barcode scanners and readers to communicate with any Windows application. Advanced data logging options. RS232/USB/Keyboard interface.
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Software MIDI Keyboard Lite 1.9
This software will allow you to operate your sound card MIDI synthesizer by means of an average PC keyboard and a mouse. The software emulates 25-keyed MIDI keyboard with the three functional pedals: Sustain, Accent and Soft.
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ItKeyboard 6.0
itKeyboard is an on-screen virtual keyboard application, i.e. a program that simulates a standard keyboard by showing a picture of a keyboard on the screen. Virtual keyboard is the best solution for touch screen devices.
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