SmartFolio is a state-of-the-art asset allocation software aimed at all types of investors and investment professionals. It contains advanced portfolio optimization and risk management algorithms, based on latest achievements in portfolio theory.
MM4XL software - The Matrix BCG tool analyzes the competitive and financial performance of your brand portfolio. Use the Matrix BCG tool to improve brand management and refine the company strategy.
StockwarePro is a stock market technical analysis and portfolio management software. It has unique technical analysis and portfolio management tools to reliably predict and track market movements.
The Portfolio Performance Monitoring model enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation of a portfolio of financial investments. Amount and timing of investment and divestment transactions are taken into account in performance calculations.
The Portfolio Optimization template optimizes capital weightings for portfolios of financial investments that maximizes return and minimizes risk. Technical analysis constant parameters are optimized to maximize back tested returns on signal trading.
Dennisse Portfolio Analyzer is a lightweight yet powerful portfolio trading management software for stock market investment. This tools enables you to utilize to the max of the trading signals from most popular trading indicators.
OptionsOracle is a free tool for stock options strategy analysis. It is a powerful, tool that allows testing of different options strategies using real-time options ans stock- market information.
Stock Analysis Software with cutting edge technology. Optimal Trader offers technical analysis based on neural networks and modern signal processing. A large database with stocks, currencies, mutual funds and indices is available for free. 30 days!
Dennisse Stock Analyzer is a professional stock market analysis and algorithmic trading system development (using C# programming language) with historical & realtime data connection to stock exchanges around the world via Google & Yahoo finance.