2D/3D technical graphics plotting and data analysis software for your plotting needs. Curve fitting, FFT and a presentation software! Download a demo of our analysis and plotting software!
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PlotLab .NET 4.5
PlotLab is a set of .NET 2.0/3.5 components for very easy and fast Data Visualization. Allows very fast display in a Plot/Scope/Chart or Waterfall form. Great for FFT Visualization! Free for non-commercial use.
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PlotLab VC++ 5.0.3
PlotLab is a set of Visual C++ components for very easy and fast Data Visualization. They allow very fast display in a Plot/Scope/Chart or Waterfall form. Great for FFT Visualization! Free for non-commercial use.
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ProgeCAD DWG Viewer 6.1.9
DWG drawing viewer with markup, plotting, rendering, PDF output! High precision measuring, zoom. pan, all the features you need to review your AutoCAD drawings and output them to paper. Easy to use,
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PlotLab VCL 6.0
Delphi/C++ Builder VCL/FMX components library for very easy and fast Data Visualization. Allows very fast display in a Plot/Scope/Chart or Waterfall form. Great for FFT or Histogram Visualization! Free for non-commercial use.
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3DField 3.2.6
3DField is a contouring plotting and 3D data program. It converts your data into contour maps, surface or volume plots. Rotate image
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DwgPlotX 2.2.1
dwgPlotX is a tool to batch plot and script-process AutoCAD drawings. It features an intuitive interface, various batch scripting assist tools, a scheduler and a file re-namer utility. (Compatible with both AutoCAD full and LT).
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Doronix Math Toolbox 1.0.5
Doronix Math Toolbox is a numerical computing environment with programming language similar to MATLAB. It allows matrix manipulations, plotting of data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user functions, import and export CSV-files and more
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DWG FastView 5.3.0
DWG FastView for Windows is a lightweight dwg/dxf drawing viewer and editor produced by Gstarsoft, no need of dwg format conversion, vector graph magnified without distortion and full compatible with AutoCAD DWG/DXF.
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SPT Correlations Software (NovoSPT) 1.9
NovoSPT is a software for analyzing Standard Penetration Test (SPT/ DCPT) blow counts and correlating N with soil engineering properties. Totally more than 215 formulas are implemented into NovoSPT from 50 papers and reference books
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