Animated Chart Pro 2.2.1
XML Flash charts allows your to display live data on your website. Animated Chart Pro lets to create and customize XML-driven dynamic flash chart and publish it to website. Area, Bar, Bubble, Column, Doughnut, Line, Pie, Scatter, Radar, Stock charts.
free download trial (2.67 Mb)
Animated Chart 2.2.1
Flash charts made easy. Software for generating animated interactive Flash charts and graphs for publishing to websites. Making graphs with Animated Chart is simple and quick and doesn't require any special knowledge of Flash or HTML.
free download trial (2.67 Mb)
DCharts -Dynamic charts 2.0
DCharts developed by flash is a client display component,8 charts types,a file ,less than 40K ,free conversion of types,user Properties panel ,strong interactive ability ,unified data format,flexible settings ,very easy-to-use.
free download trial (152 Kb)
AnyChart Flash Chart Component 4.0
Anychart is a flexible Macromedia Flash-based solution that allows you to create animated, compact, interactive and attractive charts. Driven by an XML interface, it has no installation and is easily used.
free download trial (7.03 Mb)
FlyCharts Flash Chart Component 2.10
FlyCharts is a chart flash component. It is a set of Adobe Flash (SWF) files that gives an outstanding possibility to visualize data. FlyCharts help create compact, interactive and good-looking flash graphs and charts for web applications.
free download trial (452 Kb)
AnyChart Flash Gantt Component 4.1.0
Anychart Flash Gantt is a superb, customizable component for displaying Gantt charts. It is light, fast and highly effective for use in web applications. Create groups, connectors and milestones with a simple XML configuration!
free download trial (13.2 Mb)
BySoft Free BMI Calculator
Easily calculate your body mass index. Just enter your weight, height and sex and BMI Calculator will indicate if your are underweight, normal, overweight or obese, and what is your ideal weight. It will put you on dynamic chart. Freeware!
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Candlestick Chart Patterns Program 1.0
Although there are these many, do not get pinned down by the sheer number of candlestick chart patterns a trader has to learn. | ForexGeoemtry.com
free download trial (487 Kb)
.Net Chart Control 3.5.1
Chart Control .NET is the perfect solution to add the most advanced, feature rich charts to Windows Forms and ASP.NET applications. Over 40 2D/3D charts are available. Uses OpenGL (3D) and GDI+ (2D) for fast-rendering charts.
free download trial (4.85 Mb)
Dynamic List XML 1.0
A fully customizable dynamic list, XML driven. The whole list is automatically resized according to bigImageHeight & Width and thumbTextWidth
free download trial (488 Kb)
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