Compare balance transfer credit card offers. Be sure to get the best deal. On face value, balance transfers seem to be an instant money saver. But in truth, in many cases that's not the case.
Neato Credeeto is a credit card balance transfer calculator. Neato Credeeto is a unique and clever patented credit card balance transfer calculator that provides you with the ???Real Feel Rate???.
Perfect Balance is an awesome skill game that your mission is to set up a steady structure so that all the bricks can stay still. Move all the shapes from above the dotted line to down below into perfect balance.
The last 40 levels of Perfect Balance, as we know it. Balance all the given shapes, and don??™t let them fall off the screen. A and D (or cursor keys left and right, or mouse wheel when it works) rotate the selected shape.
- saldo-balance (a "chess" table) for a private, family or firm budget;
- Operations are stored in a true database (MS Access mdb file);
- no limits for a number of Operations;
- categories of Operations are stored automatically;
InnerSoft ISBH computes soil water balance and Thornthwaite Moisture Index (Im). User must input Precipitation and Potential evapotranspiration values for each month.
Using Magic Enhancer you can improve your photos: adjust lightness, contrast and color balance. It is perfect for enhancement of photos with lack of lightness. Convenient color temperature control allows fixing color balance defects easily.