Candy La Belle Lucie 1.1
Candy La Belle Lucie is a candy themed pile based solitaire card game similar to Cruel or Shamrocks. The player is dealt 17 piles of 3 cards and one pile with 1 card in it. The player builds down the piles while trying to build up the suit piles.
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CogeNET 2.3.0
Semplice da utilizzare, completo, veloce, robusto. CogeNET 2.3 e' il nuovo software gestionale di Info Lab che da' finalmente la possibilita' a tutte le aziende di dotarsi un potente software ERP con tecnologia SQL Server e ReportViewer.
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Epic Adventures La Jangada 1.0
Help Minha save her father from the gallows in this 19th century epic based on Jules Verne??™s novel La Jangada. Find evidence spread around the Jangada, search for clues to unravel the mystery of Joam Dacosta??™s past.
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La Belle Lucie 1.0
La Belle Lucie is a pile based solitaire card game similar to Cruel Solitaire or Shamrocks Solitaire. The player is dealt 17 piles of 3 cards and one pile with 1 card in it. The player builds down the piles while trying to build up the suit piles.
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Salmos 1.0
Salmos de la B?blia - Accede a todos los salmos de la Biblia - salmo 91, salmo 23, salmo 90 e m?s. El libro de los Salmos es un libro b?blico con 150 cap?tulos. Los ensayos de este libro se consideran poemas religiosos alabanzas y oraciones.
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La Belle Lucie Solitaire 1.0
La Belle Lucie is a free online solitaire card game, in which a 52 card deck is dealt into 18 piles. Only the top card in these piles may be moved, and can be used to build down the other piles or build up the foundations.
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Quick La Belle Lucie 1.0
La Belle Lucie is a solitaire card game where the player deals out all the cards in a 52 card deck into 17 piles of 3, and one piles with a single card in it. The player can bulid down these piles by suit, and must build up the foundations by suit.
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Pignoramento immobiliare 1.1
Pignoramento ... la conversione.. norme e leggi italiane
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Coge 7 7.15
Coge 7 e' il software sviluppato da Infolab per aiutarti a velocizzare la tenuta della tua contabilita' generale. Coge 7 e' un programma che dovrebbe provare ogni contabile prima di scegliere il proprio software gestionale.
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Restaurar de MS SharePoint 2003 3.0
We herramienta de recuperacion de SharePoint facilmente restauracion de Microsoft SharePoint 2003 tambien recuperar la version de Microsoft SharePoint 2007.
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