Virtual Analog Drum Synthesizer

DGenR8 VST 2.9.5

DGenR8 VST uses virtual analog synthesis to re-create the sound of classic beat boxes such as the Roland TR series. It has 11 tweakable voices.

free download (481 Kb)

High Performance Digital Audio Workstation

DarkWave Studio 5.9.4

DarkWave Studio is a free Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) / modular virtual music studio for Windows. You can easily use the built in sequencer, bundled DarkPlug machines and third-party VST effects and VSTi instruments to create music.

free download (2.13 Mb)

Anti-aliasing VST effect for Windows.

AntiAlias VST 2.9.6

AntiAlias VST works by oversampling it's stereo input between a minimum of 2x and a maximum of 32x. After oversampling an FIR filter cuts out all harmonics over the Nyquist, and then it's downsampled again, producing a bandlimited signal.

free download (254 Kb)

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