ZoneIDTrimmer removes Zone.Identifier stream.

ZoneIDTrimmer 1.0.0

ZoneIDTrimmer helps to detect and remove an alternative data stream (Zone.Identifier) stored by Windows in files downloaded from the Internet or email attachments saved on your disk, causing a security warning when these files are used.

free download (366 Kb)

WOW64Menu - 32-bit shell menu on Windows x64.

WOW64Menu 1.0.0

WOW64Menu allows using shell context menu of 32-bit applications on x64 editions of Windows. It adds "Show WOW64 Menu" command to context menu of objects on Desktop and in Windows Explorer.

free download (300 Kb)

SurfedAndFound - IE search toolbar.

SurfedAndFound 1.0.0

SurfedAndFound allows searching the content of visited and bookmarked webpages in Internet Explorer.

free download (858 Kb)

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