Quickly and easily combine Excel workbooks.

Merge Workbooks Professional 3.15

Quickly and easily combine Excel workbooks. Merge Workbooks is an Excel tool for combining multiple Excel workbooks into one workbook. Simply select the workbooks you want to merge and Merge Workbooks will combine those workbooks into one workbook.

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Quickly and easily combine Excel workbooks.

Merge Workbooks 3.12

Quickly and easily combine Excel workbooks. Merge Workbooks is an Excel tool for combining multiple Excel workbooks into one workbook. Simply select the workbooks you want to merge and Merge Workbooks will combine those workbooks into one workbook.

free download trial (608 Kb)

Quickly and easily hide or unhide worksheets

Hide Worksheets 2.11

Hide Worksheets is a must have excel add-on tool to quickly and easily hide or unhide worksheets. With Hide Worksheets it takes a matter of seconds to hide or unhide several or even all the worksheets in a workbook.

free download trial (453 Kb)

Change text to upper lower or proper case

Change Case for Excel 2.12

Quickly and easily convert text between upper, lower, and proper case with this Microsoft Excel add-on tool. Simply select the text and then select the desired case from the menu bar. In just a matter of seconds Change Case will convert the text.

free download trial (295 Kb)

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